#招募公告 #2024 #TMUXBE北醫生醫加速器計畫!熱烈招募中
北醫生醫加速器與比翼加速器為新創團隊量身打造 TMU X BE Accelerator Program,加速新創團隊走入Healthcare ecosystem協助Proof of Clinical Evidence概念與產品驗證、定位產品服務、專業臨床諮詢輔導、建立商業模式、鏈結國際、媒合資金及媒體曝光,並有機會獲得北醫生醫加速器新創投資基金,在新創資金及專業臨床輔導雙重資源挹注下,加速新創團隊提升企業價值。
計畫亮點 ✦產品臨床驗證與實察: 提供臨床試驗規劃、需求驗證以及醫療法規諮詢等 ✦結合臨床數據資料庫: 促進生醫研究、輔導技能與降低產品開發風險 ✦新創與臨床醫師合作: 提供臨床場域與專業醫師,輔導團隊臨床試驗研發策略 ✦鏈結新創與醫院資源: 輔導建立醫療通路、落地國內外市場 ✦入選有機會獲得投資: 50萬美金投資及北醫大投資 ✦招募新創三大領域: 醫療器材、人工智慧醫療、醫療器材 ✦新創導向之課程設計: 商模建立、醫療法規、資金募集、投資協議、導入醫院銷售策略
截至日期:2023/12/31 立即申請:https://bit.ly/tmuxbe2024poc
Taipei Medical University BioMed Accelerator and BE Health Ventures have co-launched TMU X BE Accelerator Program, which is a Proof of Clinical Evidence Program that focuses on product or prototype-ready startups that are looking for traction in the Asian market. Based in Taipei, Taiwan we leverage the unique strengths of our ecosystem to position our accelerator program as the gateway to Asia.
Within the program, startups would have opportunity to access the hospital facilities, research institutes, investors, healthcare experts and other industry stakeholders help you secure funding and expand your market to US , Japan and SEA.
For details, please click the following URL: https://bit.ly/tmuxbe2024poc
Program Highlight Clinical function verification Provide clinical trial, demand verification, field pilot verification, and medical regulatory consultation, etc. Combine clinical data and health insurance database Promote biomedical research, coaching skills and reduce product development risks. Promote collaboration between startups and physicians Combining the resources of hospitals to provide clinical trial research and development strategies for clinical field and professional physician counseling team. Linking startups and hospital resources Establish medical channels and land in local and international markets.
Deadline:Till 2023/12/31 Apply Now:https://bit.ly/tmuxbe2024poc
訂閱 #TMU BioMed Accelerator『Newsletter』 ,我們將提供國內外 #智慧醫療 #創新 #創業 #產業 第一手資訊 https://bit.ly/tmuaccnews 生醫創新趨勢相關資訊 重要生醫新創產業新知 主題性之生醫創業議題 生醫創業活動及研討會

Source | https://bit.ly/tmuxbe2024poc