🎉12月29日星期五,誠摯地邀您來參加我們Nucleate Taiwan的年末聚會 - Bio Mixer !
我們將提供飲料點心以及舒適空間,讓與會者自由交流,並且我們將帶大家展望我們 Nucleate Taiwan在2024年的計畫,最後還會有抽獎活動,意想不到的大獎在等著你!
🎁交換禮物的參與者將享有抽獎活動優先權!!! 敬請踴躍參與交換禮物!!!
🎉Join the ultimate celebration at Nucleate Taiwan’s Bio Mixer on Friday, December 29th!
Connect with vibrant minds in life sciences, join the buzz of our gift exchange, win prizes in exciting games, and brace yourself for exclusive surprises in our special raffle!
Open to all life science enthusiasts—students and industry pros. Enjoy complimentary drinks and food, and welcome 2024 with cheers!
Don't miss out—save your spot now for a night of celebration and connections!
🎁 Boost the fun by participating in the gift exchange for priority access to our incredible raffle!
Sign up through the following link :