【#TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day|#Panel Discussion part I】 想知道不同國家間對於新創上的政策差異?未來生醫新創的趨勢走向又是什麼? 此次Panel邀請到 #Biodesign #國際 重量級嘉賓 親臨現場✨ 內容相當精采豐富,為此特別分了兩個主題來深入探討🔍 第一個主題的三位Panel貴賓都是在醫療創新與創業領域相當知名的人物! 🩺Josh Makower是醫療創新領域為人所熟知的傑出人物,也是 #Stanford Biodesign的共同創辦人!成功創立多家醫療技術公司並參與醫療器械監管和政策制定,持續為醫療產業的開創更精彩未來! 🩺Matthew Oldakowski是Curtin University的 #生物工程學博士,在骨科領域擁有豐富的學術研究與新創相關經驗,也在醫學界獲得了極大的肯定! 🩺Atsuhiro Nakagawa是神經外科專家,在神經病學與手術領域有著豐富的研究成果,並持續培育biodesign的人才,在推動創新醫材設計領域不遺餘力。 讓我們聽聽這三位來自不同國家且擁有豐富生醫背景經驗的貴賓分享,藉由他們專業的知識背景與豐富經歷,為我們揭開生醫新創未來更多的可能性! 立即索取Demo Day入場票券,跟上生醫新創的最新趨勢👉🏻https://bit.ly/TMUxBExSCHS-DemoDay Are you curious about the policy differences among various countries regarding startups? Do you want to know the trends for biotech startups in the future? We are thrilled to have esteemed guests from #Biodesign joining us on the panel discussion! ✨ We divide the panel discussion into two topics to learn more about healthcare innovation.🔍 The three panelists of the first topic are all esteemed figures in the field of medical innovation and entrepreneurship. 🩺Josh Makower is a recognized figure in the field of medical innovation and a co-founder of Stanford Biodesign. He has successfully founded multiple medtech companies and has been actively involved in medical device regulation and policy-making, continuously shaping the future of healthcare industry. 🩺Matthew Oldakowski, a Ph.D. in bioengineering from Curtin University, has rich academic research and entrepreneurial experience in the field of orthopedics. And he has garnered significant recognition in the medical community. 🩺Atsuhiro Nakagawa is a neurosurgery expert with extensive research achievement in the field of neurology and surgery. He continuously nurtures talent in biodesign and spare no effort to promote innovation in medical device design. Let's hear from our three distinguished guests, each with a diverse international background and experience in the field of biotech. Through their expertise and rich experiences, they will unveil the endless possibilities for the future of healthcare innovation! Register for your Demo Day ticket now 👉🏻https://bit.ly/TMUxBExSCHS-DemoDay 【Panel Discussion #Part1】 💡Topic: Global innovation policy in shaping the future of healthcare. 🎤Moderator- Jowy Tani|CEO, TMU BioMed Accelerator 👤 Josh Makower|Co-Founder and Director, Stanford Biodesign 👤 Matthew Oldakowski|Director, Biodesign Australia 👤 Atsuhiro Nakagawa|Co-Director, Japan Biodesign #TMU #TMUBioMedAccelerator #北醫生醫加速器 #秀傳醫療體系 #比翼 ---- 訂閱 #TMU BioMed Accelerator『Newsletter』 ,我們將提供國內外 #智慧醫療 #創新 #創業 #產業 第一手資訊 https://bit.ly/tmuaccnews 生醫創新趨勢相關資訊 重要生醫新創產業新知 主題性之生醫創業議題
