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【#TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day|#Agenda】

【#TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day|#Agenda】

首次醫院聯合Demo Day即將於本週六(7/29)盛大展開!

先是最受矚目的20隊新創團隊接連展開他們精彩的Pitch,再來是由重量級 Stanford Biodesign的國際貴賓與台北醫學大學副校長展開的Panel Discussion,讓我們一齊了解、探討更多生醫新創的未來! 同一時間,402會議室也有20個新創團隊的攤位展示,在這裡會更了解更多新創團隊的努力與成就,聽完精彩Pitch與Panel Disscussion,別忘記到隔壁402逛逛! 整個活動內容相當精彩豐富,一刻都不能錯過,讓我們準時在7/29 11:30於南港展覽館401&402會議室相見❗️ 立即報名👉🏻 【活動亮點】 ✨ 首次醫院聯合生醫新創 Demo Day:TMU x BE x SCHS ✨ 重量級 Panel Discussion 嘉賓-Stanford biodesign 國際貴賓 ✨ 與 Google Cloud、 AstraZeneca: A.Catalyst、NEMIC 等知名跨國單位合作 ✨ 精選國內外優秀團隊,跨越多個生醫主題! 【活動資訊】 ▸活動名稱:TMU x BE x SCHS Demo Day: The Next HealthTech Frontier Transforming Hospitals ▸活動日期:2023.7.29 Sat. ▸活動時間:11:30-16:30 ▸活動地點:南港展覽館1館 401&402會議室(台北市南港區經貿二路1號) * 本次活動將提供現場直播給國外參加者與無法到場的觀眾一齊共襄盛舉! 無論您是投資者、創業家還是醫療科技專業人士,這場Demo Day絕對不能錯過!立即報名,一同參與這場生醫新創的盛會!🏥🩺✨ The first-ever collaboration demo day between hospitals and startups will take place this Saturday, July 29th. 20 startups will start by delivering their captivating pitches and afterwards there will be a panel discussion featuring esteemed international guests from Stanford Biodesign and the Vice-President of Taipei Medical University. At the same time, there will be booths showcasing numerous startups in Room 402. You can learn even more about the effort and achievements of these startups. After enjoying the exciting pitches and panel discussion, don’t forget to visit Room 402 next door. TMUxBExSCHS Demo Day is incredibly rich and captivating, so you won’t want to miss a single moment. Introductions will start at 11:30am in Room 401 & 402 at Hall 1, Nangang Exhibition Center❗️ Let’s explore the future of biomedical innovation together! Register Now👉🏻 【Event Highlights】 ✨ The first-ever #medtech startups and #hospitals collaboration Demo Day ✨ Panel Discussion guest - International VIP from Stanford Biodesign ✨ Collaboration with Google Cloud, AstraZeneca: A.Catalyst, NEMIC, and other renowned international organizations ✨ Displays from outstanding teams of both domestic and international biomedical fields, covering diverse topics such as: Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, and Medical Devices! 【Event Information】 ▸Event Name: TMU x BE x SCHS Demo Day: The Next HealthTech Frontier Transforming Hospitals ▸Event Date: 2023.07.29 Sat. ▸Event Time: 11:30-16:30 ▸Event Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1, Rooms 401 & 402 (No. 1, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan) * Hybrid event #TMU #TMUBioMedAccelerator #北醫生醫加速器 #秀傳醫療體系 #比翼 ---- 訂閱 #TMU BioMed Accelerator『Newsletter』 ,我們將提供國內外 #智慧醫療 #創新 #創業 #產業 第一手資訊 生醫創新趨勢相關資訊 重要生醫新創產業新知 主題性之生醫創業議題 生醫創業活動及研討會

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